
The annual membership subscription rate is £20.

Members of the Society are drawn from many backgrounds, including geologists, archaeologists, teachers, artists, historians, brickmakers, bricklayers, architects and engineers. Some have a professional interest in a particular aspect of the subject, while for others membership is an extension of a general interest or hobby. All share a fascination for the history of the manufacture and use of bricks. There are currently about 300 members in the United Kingdom with overseas members in, for example: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America.

Membership is open to all at an annual subscription of £20. Overseas members are welcomed at the same subscription rate as UK members, but subscriptions are payable in Sterling only and INFORMATION is sent printed paper rate by surface mail.

To join the Society, please click to download the Membership application form, print it, and send it to:

Mr M Chapman
Chair, British Brick Society,
8 Pinfold Close
Nottingham, NG14 6DP